Kind of cringy title bud, but yes! This all started around December 13th when the video "Time machine slow" which already for around two months was his most viewed began picking up rapid views. The video at that moment had around 780-800 views when all of the sudden it started going crazy banana! This amount of travel has reportedly even convinced 6 people to add the channel to their subscription boxes. The video currently sits at about 2573 views with the channel just yesterday passing 7000 total video views. The said user specializes in gameplay videos and so called "reality videos" with a noticable wholesome vibe attached to it all. A final statistic comes from and states that the account has gone up 1549 views (251.2% increase) in the last 30 days. The question everyone is asking though, is what smurflslayer will do with this influx in people. this is the man, the legend srcam signing off!